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Extrusion Lines for Films

Extrusion lines for producing flat films for optical, solar and thermoformed applications

The manufacturing of a film is nothing special. However, the creation of a high quality polished flat film of minimal thickness is a different matter altogether. Increasingly challenging applications are demanding increasingly challenging solutions. The production of ultra-thin, low-tension films ofhigh optical quality in particular, is quickly separating the men from the boys. We can boast an unbeatable combination of superior know-how, gained over many years, and excellent extrusion technology. Breyer has made a name for itself in a constantly changing market through outstanding services and solutions – on a worldwide scale.

With our technology you get security.
Even the latest technology is of little use, if there is no guarantee of reliability. For this reason, the main priority of a BREYER system is always total operational reliability. And with good reason – BREYER is proud of a 60-year tradition in the construction of reliable, robust and innovative machines. With an extrusion line from BREYER therefore, we are providing not only a superior piece of engineering but also a piece of security for your future success. We can offer a whole range of machines that are as flexible as you need them to be. This means that you never buy a system «off the rail»; our systems are always exactly tailored to your own specific needs.

Solar Film
CellProtect Extrusion Line

Optical Film
OptiFlex Extrusion Line

Termoform Film
ThermoFlex Extrusion Line
